Friday, January 11, 2008

What Crayon Are You?!?

I am a Blue Crayon

Your world is colored in calm, understated, deep colors. --I don't really get this "deep colors" but it sounds cool!

You are a loyal person, and the truest friend anyone could hope to find. Thanks online web page. ;-)

On the inside, you tend to be emotional and even a bit moody.
--This is a little bit too true!

However, you know that people depend on you. So you put on a strong front.
--Neither agree or disagree

Your color wheel opposite is orange. Orange people may be opinionated, but you feel they lack the depth to truly understand what they're saying.
--What's that mean? Is this the kind of people I'm attracted to? Or are my friends? Yeah this one doesn't make a lot of since, unless it's taking about relationships!


S'mee said...

deep colours: opposite of pastels. You can have a pink but your "deep" pink would be the darker rich pink rather then the baby or bubble gum colour. Same with yellow, not a butter yellow or peeps Easter chick, but more of a golden yellow. Yada yada with the other colours.

ahem, so much for "red". hehe

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying that s'mee :-)