Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Quiet Life

Its been an amazing day. I got notice that I'm a registered nurse in Australia! And then offered two very tempting jobs here in the USA. I'm still going to Australia. I will probably leave in January... lots to do. I spent the rest of today touching bases with travel agencies in Australia. And was able to obtain more information that was very useful. I also applied for my working holiday visa. I need to do the medical side of it and that requires a trip down to San Diego. I will call the doctor down there tomorrow and schedule and appointment. I've been so excited I only ate a salad at lunch... and I'm still not hungry  Oh and I exercised for 30min with M.M. and played with Moose!

Someone said something that made me thing they must think I'm so boring! If they only really knew me. I don't post everything I do on facebook. I get to do a lot. And I have many "boring" adventures :-)

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