Sunday, August 12, 2012

Don't Be a Church Spectator!

So much I could write on this speaker! Once again my notes don't do a very good job.

Douglas Willden spoke on living on the Lords side of the line. In this day an age keeping the Commandments is considered weird and strange.

He brought up an interesting point most of us know WHAT God wants us to do (ie the 10 Commandments/Beatitudes) but do not really understand the WHY (in our heart) we should.

It is important to put faith in God.

Work to having a deeper understanding WHY we should follow the Lord.

Often times we go to church and become a spectator. Some are not actively involved in the service (yup that's probably me!). Or we are not applying what we learned to our daily lives. Come to church prepared not only worship but to be educated.

1 comment:

Ebster The Mormonhippie said...

Really, you just described a HUGE portion of my life.

I feel like the main problem with the church is that it has people in it. I mean, I would be totally awesome to get all the spiritual enlightenment and not have to deal with that other thing. (Ok, that was just wrong. Sorry!)

Seriously though, people are not nice. And unfortunately a big part of the gospel and NOT being a spectator is reaching out to those not nice people.
