Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hey y'all,

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I took boards this morning, the test was very hard. I felt I studied the best I could and I'm just going to hope for a miracle. The test shut off at 75 questions. I did not have any OB or psych question. I had a lot of check all that apply seriously I think I had like 10. Two math questions. And several questions that were very specific about medications, I think I knew those pretty good.

My gut feeling is because it shut off at 75 and that I didn't have OB or psych questions I did not pass. The test was so hard.

Going in for the test I felt calm; and during the test my mind was clear. I believe it was because the thoughts and prayers of everyone. Thank you.

I will let you know for sure what happens as soon as I find out.


Mike and Kara said...

You know this is the first time i visited your blog. I hope you passed, I know you did, but I'm telling you I hope you passed. And by the way, ice cream is my second love. I thought you knew that?

Red said...

Kara-- I didn't know you loved Ice Cream!!! It's the best thing to eat... at anytime!

Megan said...

I was talking to your mom the other day and she said that if the test shuts off early, like say, 75 questions, then you probably passed. I think they keep asking you questions if you don't know what the heck you are doing. I bet you did fantabulous! At least it's over, right? how soon will you find out the results?